RFI Writing & Management

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RFI Writing & Management

In construction, a request for information (RFI) seeks the clarification of plans, drawings, specifications, and agreements. The construction RFI is a formal written process in which parties, such as the contractor and designer, clarify information gaps in construction documents.

While this process sounds straightforward, RFIs often become a source of delay, expense, conflict, and even legal claims. Therefore, all participants in construction projects have a stake in understanding how RFIs work and how to use them properly.

Construction RFIs come into play at various points in the construction process. During bidding, a contractor may submit an RFI to gain a fuller understanding of the project’s details and fine-tune a quote.

RFI best practices
  • Limit the information request to only what information is needed.
  • Be specific with what information is being requested but avoid in-depth detail.
  • Follow any previously established formats in order to enable more direct comparisons.
  • Limit information requests to resource and capability information.
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RFI Writing & Management